

Players: 2-5| Age: 5+ | Minutes: 15+

Sherlock is a children’s memory style card game, with one card showing Sherlock and 49 cards showing an image, an arrow, and a number from 1-4. Players lay eight of the 49 cards face-up in a circle, with the draw pile in the middle. The game can be made easier or more difficult depending on how many cards are placed in the circle. Before beginning the game, players take some time to memorize the images on the cards in the circle, after which all the clue cards are turned over. 

Sherlock travels from one card to another stopping at a facedown card, which the player has to remember. Sherlock continues to move as long as the player remembers correctly. When Sherlock arrives at an up face card the player keeps that card. The first player to collect six cards wins 

This card game has won various awards and nominees including the popular Kinderspiel des Jahres.