Phase 10
Phase 10
Players: 2-6 | Ages: 7+
Phase 10 is the rummy-type card game where players compete against one another to see who can complete 10 varied phrases first. A phase is a combination of cards and can be composed of sets (multiple cards of the same value), runs (multiple cards in consecutive ascending order), cards of one color, or a combination of these. Complete your phase before the end of the round to move on - but if you don't, you'll have to try again! Also featured in each deck to make the game even more fun are 'Wild' and 'Skip' cards which can be used in place of a number card, as well as be used as any color to complete any phase, while a 'Skip' card causes your opponent to lose a turn. Complete the ten phases in order to win If you fail to complete a phase, go back and try again.