Players: 2-4 | Age: 5+ | Minutes: 20
A fox has stolen Mrs Plumpert's prized pie and it’s up to you and your friends to catch the thief before they get away - will you succeed, or will you be Outfoxed!?
Outfoxed is a 1-4 player co-operative game aimed at families with younger children. You will be working as a team and players will need to choose between searching for clues and revealing suspects. There are 16 suspects and finding the thief will take all your powers of deduction.
Search for clues - Is the thief wearing gloves? Maybe the thief is carrying an umbrella. There are 12 clues to find but not all will help your investigation. Some clues are red herrings! Use the clue decoder to find out if the clues point to the guilty fox. Once you have found enough clues, it’s time to reveal who you think the thief is.
If you are unsuccessful in your search for clues and suspects the fox moves closer to the exit. When he or she reaches the foxhole, the thief has escaped along with the prized pie. Better luck next time!