Half Match
Half Match
Players: 2-4 | Age: 4+
Children love to match things up, especially when monsters are involved! Featuring 22 quirky and lovable monsters, this game was designed by a speech-language pathologist to be a fun and simple matching game that encourages language development.
In addition, Half Match: Monster Edition has numerous educational benefits, including:
promotes language and communication skills
teaches new vocabulary
helps children develop color and pattern recognition
increases attention to detail and it’s easy to take on the go
Develops social skills
There are multiple ways to play, allowing children to build on such skills as memory, color/pattern recognition, listening, & language skills. This game can also be adapted for classroom use!
Game one involves collecting as many missing halves of your monsters as possible from other players. Players must describe their half monsters to other players. Opponents must guess the correct card in their hand. If you guess right, you claim it. The winner is the player that can collect the most monsters.
Game two involves a traditional memory game with monster cards organized face down in rows. Players take turns flipping cards to try to make a match. The winner is the person who completes the most monsters.