Players: 2-8 | Ages: 6+
Dobble is a quick and easy to learn, matching game with a twist. The game consists of 55 round cards in a nice tin box with each card showing 8 symbols out of a 57 collection. The very clever bit is that every card has only one symbol in common with every other card and your aim is to find it.
In each game of Dobble, players act simultaneously to find matching symbols on two different cards. In principle, it seems pretty straightforward but, remember: there is only one matching symbol between two cards. In addition, all symbols on the cards are showed in different sizes and orientation making your hunt for a matching one quite complex.
Once a match found, players can shout it loud, collect a card and move on to find another match on a newly revealed card. Card after card, symbol after symbol players will find their way to achieve the victory. Dobble is great to keep all players engaged and if you are looking for more fun, you could alternate five different game modes.