Color addict
Color Addict
Players: 2-6 | Ages: 7+
Fast, brain teasing fun for all of the family!
A colourful and addictive card Game that is perfect for family. The aim is to get rid of all your cards as quickly as possible by playing the right colour, or the right word, or both, or vice versa!
Sound simple? Not when red is green, and blue is pink!
How to play – shuffle and distribute all cards, equally, between players. The players take 3 cards in their hands and the rest remains as their personal deck. On each card is written a colour, which can be written in several different colours. One by one, players place a card on the table, but be careful, it is necessary that your card matches with the card on the top of the game by colour or by word. At the end of their turn, the player draws a card from his personal deck, so that they always has 3 cards in his hand. If there are already more than 3, the player does not draw a card after playing. If you cannot put a card, draw one and pass your turn. The first player who manages to get rid of all their cards wins.